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Sino-foreign joint venture High-tech enterprise, specializing in providing customers with stable and reliable bearing products and overall technical solutions.
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Bearing failure forms

Views: 1     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-03-06      Origin: Site

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1. Contact fatigue failure: refers to the material fatigue failure caused by the alternating stress on the bearing working surface.

2. Wear failure: refers to the failure caused by the continuous wear of the metal on the working surface caused by the relative sliding friction between surfaces.

3. Fracture failure: The main reasons are defects and overload. When the applied load exceeds the strength limit of the material and causes the part to break, it is called overload fracture. The main reason for overload is sudden host failure or improper installation.

4. Corrosion failure: Some rolling bearings will inevitably come into contact with water, water vapor and corrosive media during actual operation. These substances will cause rust and corrosion of rolling bearings. In addition, rolling bearings will also be affected by microcurrent and static electricity during operation, causing current corrosion of rolling bearings.

5. Failure due to clearance change: During the operation of the rolling bearing, due to the influence of external or internal factors, the original fitting clearance changes, the accuracy decreases, and even "seizure" occurs, which is called clearance change failure.