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Sino-foreign joint venture High-tech enterprise, specializing in providing customers with stable and reliable bearing products and overall technical solutions.
You are here: Home » About Zhongda » Chairman's Speech
Message from the Chairman
Chairman : Welcome to Know  Zhongda and join Zhongda. May you and Zhongda start a new starting point for your career together! Chinese civilization and succession! More than 8000 years ago, the ancestors of the Chinese nation began to use the principle of axis rotation to invent the wooden pottery wheel used in the production of pottery. This is the earliest prototype of the bearing in the world; The ancestors continued to use the bearing principle to invent various production and life tools that changed the fate of human beings. Our ancestor Xuanyuan Huangdi invented the wheel with bearings and manufactured the first vehicle in human history. After the “XIZHOU”, and“CHUNQIU”  to Qin and Han, After nearly a thousand years of technical invention and application practice, the bearing with the special name of "zhou shou" has been determined, and there are words and cultural concepts that belong to the bearing.  At the beginning of the 21st century, along the ancient Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, in the wave of global economic integration came a group of passionate and passionate “Zhongda” people who believed in the corporate belief of “focus, innovation, integrity and efficiency”; they inherited The Chinese people are hardworking, intelligent, and courageous. They use the big data and intelligent manufacturing equipment in the information age to create a "smart factory" in the bearing industry, and strive to become "a world-class manufacturer of high-end spherical and connected bearings"; Since ancient times, human beings have been making unremitting efforts to change lives. Zhongda people always take "providing reliable support for industry to change lives" as their corporate mission, and go all out to build a "community of human destiny" that is win-win, fair, democratic, and peaceful.This is our Zhongda, it is your Zhongda, and it will surely be the Zhongda of the world!

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