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Sino-foreign joint venture High-tech enterprise, specializing in providing customers with stable and reliable bearing products and overall technical solutions.
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IntellIgent tracking System

Pursue excellence Intelligent transformation With the continuous upgrading and transformation of automation equipment, customers have begun to put forward higher requirements for the process standardization and product quality stability of Zhongda.

In 2019, Zhongda Bearings introduced the ERP enterprise management system of the world-famous enterprise SAP company, linking the production workshop MES manufacturing execution system and SPC statistical process control system; improve the controllability of the production process, reduce the intervention of production line personnel, so as to Coordinated cooperation and human-machine integration of high-efficiency production mode, fully open a new round of integrated intelligent automation transformation, achieve information flow and logistics synchronization, workshop information transparency and visualization, establish a more complete and accurate, comprehensive product quality traceability system , The establishment of a new OEM supply chain system upgrade target.

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